Friday, 29 October 2021

SSR Selfie | Fiction

Today I read a book called star lords.

The athor of this book is Chris Wyatt

The main characters of this book is Captain Marvel, Rocket Raccoon, Korth and pursuer

This book is about Star - Lord, aka, Peter Quill, is hanging out with the other Guardians of Galaxy, until his birthday came along. Peter was suddenly homesick and wants to be with his family.

I really enjoyed reading this book. if you want to find out more about this book look down at the image and read it.

Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Typing / week 6

Today I did another typing activity.

First I covered my hand with a book so I don't see my keyboard.

Next I learned how to type v and m 

Last I wrote my results on Google slide.

I need to improve on getting my v and q right.

Friday, 1 October 2021


Today I did another typing activity.

First I made sure I had a book so I can cover my hands.

Then they taught me how to type O and W without looking at my keyboard.

Last I wrote my result on the Google slide. 

I need to improve on getting my R and Y you right.

Monday, 20 September 2021

Dancing Mat Typing / week 4

Today I did a typing activity.

First I was making sure that I had book to cover my hands.

Then they taught me how to typ t and y without looking at the keyboard.

Last I roll my results on the Google slide.

I need to improve on getting my u and r right.

Wednesday, 15 September 2021


 I created a art pattern which represents my culture.

First I search some Nepali patterns. I looked at hat patterns, clock patterns, and flower patterns.

Next I put a star I kept on repeating but made it smaller as I go.

Last I put a litte circle in the middle and a star over the circle and some ovels on the sides of the big star.


Dancing mat typing / week 3

 I completed another typing, this activitiy is about learning how to type                                                        without looking at the keyborad.

First I needed to find something to cover my keyborad.

Next I typed some words for example: 

Last I wrote my results on a google slide and I had to write what I need to improve on is not looking at the keyborad.

Friday, 3 September 2021

Basci Fact Boxes

I completed a basic facts today, it was addition.

My score was 99/100 my time was 5m 55s almost 6 mins.

Next time my goal is to do multiplication, to be more faster and better.


Thursday, 2 September 2021

Dancing Mat Typing

Today I completed a can-do activity called Dancing Mat Typing. This activity is used to practise typing without looking at your keyboard. 

First I went on Dancing Mat Typing and  I also put up a 15 minute timer.

Next I placed my fingers in the right place. 

Last I put in my results into a google slide. And then I wrote what I need to improve on. 

I need improve on getting the letters right.

Steps web

 did Steps Web.

The first activity was definitions. In this activity they give you a defintion and they also have some words underneath the definition.then you choose the word that you think is right.

This next activity was spelling qiuz. In this activity you have to spell the word that you hear.

Monday, 23 August 2021

Duffy performance

The junior school watched a duffy performance

First, We all went to the hall and we sat on the floor. We also sang some songs while we sat on the floor.

Next, they told us some characters in the play.  

Lastly, They finished the performance that was all about covid 19.  

I enjoyed the performance because they speaked three languages.


We compared the Oympics to Panmanure Bridge school.

First we did an activity called this vs that. We had to compare the motto, the creed, the values, and the logo to PBS. 

Next we made a slide about similarities and differences.We basically had to find the similarities and the differeneces and put it on to the slide. 

Afterwards we did our own logo and our own motto. My motto was be the best you can be.

It was very fun because I learned a lot about the oympics and PBS.

Colour chart

 Today we made a colour chart.

We mixed two diffrent colours to make another colour for example: red and blue make purple.

Next I used the colour blue and red which makes purple, yellow and light sky blue which makes light green and purple and orange which makes red.

After I added some details like arrows, and the title and looked amazing.

Last I showed, Mr wong and said great, Next time I need to improve on using more space.


Wednesday, 11 August 2021

Vocabulary/How paint is mixed

My group and I found definitions on word hippo

First We chose a word from the reading task and we added it to our google slide. We also found some sentences and antonyms. We found some words from the reading task.

Next we added words to our vocabulary task.  

Last we added images and synonyms to finish the task.  

I enjoyed the task because I learned alot about a vocabulary slide.  

Compound Sentences

  A compound sentence is a simple sentence thats joined with fanboys.

First you write a simple sentence.

There are three steps are: write two simple sentences, one comma, and one fanboy.

This is a compound sentence: The person wearing shoes is running ,and people are running.

Thursday, 29 July 2021

Addition and subtraction

 Addition and subtraction can be sloved by using two strategies:ncounting on/back. rounding and compensating.

Counting on is adding forward using fingers, when the number added is under ten. Counting back is subtracting using fingers, when the number subtracted  is under ten.

 Addition and subtractionRounding and compensating  is rounding the added or subtracted number to nearrest tidy number, then compensating for the rounding. Compensating is done by spliting the new number in the old number and the leftover.

Counting on/back and rounding and compensating are easy stategies to use for addition and subtraction, when numbers get too big to solved with basic facts.

Tuesday, 6 July 2021


 Trebuchet was a medieval weapon used to knock down castles.

Heres an explanation.


 My company, Design Company created a party popper.

In the beginning, we tested the rubber bands. We chose the medium size rubber band instead of the long thick rubber band. It ended very well in the first part.

Next We tested out all the materials. We chose paper cups instead of plastic cups.  We tested the paper cup because we wanted to see how good and far the filling go's. 

Last We did prototype we put the filling in to see how far it explodes the filling out. It ended very well.

I enjoyed ceating the party popper.

Animal Rescue Centre Poste

My group and I made a poster for the animal rescue book.

First we read a book about an animal rescue centre, we learned that kangaroos and possums need to be kept warm. The first part ended with me reading the animal rescue centre book.

Next we made a poster about an animal rescue centre.  

Lastly, we finished our poster and we did great.  

I enjoyed This because I learned a lot about animal rescue centres.  

Thursday, 1 July 2021


We did revistion about all the things we did during the term. 

I answered questions in Maori, the questions were: Kei hea to hoa? which means where is your friend.

last I played a memory game that involves saying the maori words. 

I enjoyed this task because I answered all the questions and got them all correct.

Table Tennis

 I learned how to balance while using table tennis equipment.

First Mr Ogilve taught us how to hold a tennis bat, for example we have to hold it like we are shaking somones hand .

Next we had to hold the tennis ball and the tennis racket and bounce the ball, I bounced the ball eight times.

After I also bounced the ball backhand, I got 3 bounces.

Lastly we played a game on the table mat there was a callanger and a campion, I got to be the campion five times.

I enjoyed doing table tennis,I need to improve on throwing the ball back to my partner.


Trebuchet was a medieval weapon used to knock down castles.

Heres an explanation about how a trebuchet works.

Thursday, 24 June 2021

Maori / Qestions

 This week we continued writing maori senetences. 

We learned sentences like Kei hea te ....? which means where is the object, the other sentence was kei runga ..... which means the object is on something or under somthing.

Then we made a copy of the maori slide and answered the qestions after we made our own silde and we put the information on the side and we also added some pictures.

This activity was fun because I had relly fun doing the sentences and the slide.

Frisbee Balance

We learned how to balance while catching and throwing a frisbee.

First we got into pairs and we had to throw the frisbee to each other and land balanced.

Then with my partner one person had to say go and the other person has to jump, catch, and land while keeping their balance.

Last we played utlimate frisbee, we also used the balance skills we had learned. We got into two teams and we had to throw the frisbee into the goal but we couldn't step into the shooting circle.

I enjoyed this activity, next time I need to improve on throwing the frisbee to my partner.

Monday, 21 June 2021

Flip, Slide, and Turn

There are 3 different movements, the 3 movments are flip, slide, and turn.

A flip/reflection is turning over in another direction.

A turn/rotate is turning somthing in a different directions.

A slide is sliding something or someone to a diffrent spot.

Sunday, 20 June 2021

Cause and Effect

We learnt what cause and effect is.

I learnt what cause and effect means, Cause is why it happend, and effect is what happend.   

Next we write what was happening in the

Last we joined the sentences togther.

I had fun doing cause and effect. 


Party popper

  We learned how to make party poppers.

First we looked a example that Mr Wong made, it was a party popper. We had make a plan for how to make a party popper, and we also had to name our market it was called design company.

Next we wrote the parts that we needed for the party popper, the parts we needed are paper, cup, fillings, stick and rubber band.

Then, we updated the design, It was about the changes my group changed the cup into a paper cup, and we changed rubberband to a bigger and stronger rubberband, and we changed the fillings to pompoms.

Last, we needed to write the reson why we changed the design for the updated design.

I enjoyed doing this task because I had fun doing the planing.

Thursday, 17 June 2021


I learned how to say new words.

First we did some questions like He aha te huarere and E hai nga tau.

Next we wrote some sentences, for example: ke hea panana? kei panana i te .

Last if we finished the task we can do some food time.

I enjoyed this task next I need to improve on saying the maori words.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021


 Confidence :                                                                                                                                                     We have the confidence to take risks with our learning and to share our learning with others. We are focused on our futures.

Attitude :                                                                                                                                                            We show a positive attitude to our learning by making good choices and we participate in all opportunities.

Respect:                                                                                                                                                             We are tolerant and respectful of all the people in our community and take care of our enviroment.

Excellent and innovation :                                                                                                                                  We set ourselves challenging goals, share ideas, and thinks about our learning.

These values are importent because they help us grow knowledge. 

Tuesday, 15 June 2021


A summary is ideas from a text witten.


Sunday, 13 June 2021

PB4L / Followig the class Rules

 I learnt about following the rules

Follow the rules is importent because it is respectful to others.

Following the rules is listening to the speaker, not talking when somone is talking. For example : keep your hand to your self.

If you don't follow the rules is well be disrespectful to others.

Next time, I need to follow the rules, not talking.

Thursday, 10 June 2021


This week I did new prepossition.

I learned words like, Maui, Matua, Rugua, and Raro, Maui means left, Matua means right, Rugua means above, and Raro means below.

I also learnt how to say new sentences they are kei raro ki te kutikuti, it means the the sicssers are below.

I enjoyed this task because I had fun learning new words in maori. 

Balancing Challange

We made a challenge on our own.

First, we wrote down the ideas for the challenge. Our idea was to balance on one leg by doing a squat from holding the milk bottle in front of you.

Next, we try it out to avoid their tipping point.

Last,we took a photo and made a poster as a group.

This activity was hard because the milk bottle was heavy when I was trying to bend my legs down.

Friday, 4 June 2021


Today in maori I worked on three movements.

The movements are 'Rotate, Translation, and Flip".

Next I had made a document so I can do my task.

After I had to take pictures of myself and rotate, translation, and flip.

last I had to expain what it means this was hard.

Thursday, 3 June 2021

balancing / week 5

 today we did balancing with sport equitment. 

First we did the egg, and spoon we had to balance on one foot and lean down, and try to touch the ground and get up again. when go down you put less power, but when you go up you put for power.

Next we had soccer balls and we balanced them on our head and we also had to bonce it with our thy.

Third we used volley balls we balanced on one leg and we did a set and a dig.

We then did a tennis activity. I had to balance on 1 leg and hit the ball sofly to my partner. This activity was hard for me because I was not able to hit the ball. 

After we did a hockey stick ativity. I had to balance on one leg and hit the ball with the hockey stick.

I enjoyed doing balancing because I learned new sports.


Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Main ideas

 The book Why Animals Migrate is about animals that migrate. The reason why some animals migrate to places is because it helps them to find a good supply of food.

Sunday, 30 May 2021

Simple Machines

This are the six simple machines that we found in our school environment. 

screw  wedge wheel and axlepulley inclined plane  lever

Maori kitchen items

 Today for our maori lesson we revised words that we learnt before.

I learned how to say kei hea te pene pukapuka, that means the pencil is under the book

I also learned how to say kei pene i te pukapuka, which means the pencil in on the book.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to learn new maori sentences. 

Thursday, 27 May 2021

Simple Machines

 Did you know the three simalaler simple machines are wheel and axle pulley and screw.

Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Balancing / week 4

Today I did balancing using sports equipment

First we used frisbees and balanced on one leg while throwing the frisbee from our chest.                       
This task was hard for me because I lost my balance.

Next we used baskt balls and balanced on one leg and bonced the ball side ways and throwed it.
This task was easy for me because I keep my balance when chatching the ball.

Third we used net balls and we throwed it to eachour.
This task was hard for me because I was not so good at catching a ball.

Then we used rugby balls and we rugby ball by the side of our hip and throw it.
This task was hard for me because I was falling whenever they throwed it to me.

Last we used hockey sticks and the person who was holding the hockey stick had to put one leg and one person has to roll the ball and we have to roll it back. this task was hard for me because it was rolling away.


 Calender show us the Day, week or month.

There are 12 months in the year, they are, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, september, October, Novmber, December.

Months have 28, 30 or 31 days.

There are number patterns on a calender by looking for four connecting days for example.


Knowing before and after a number sequnce and 7 timestables it helps us read a calendar

Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Cause and Effect / week 2

A  cause is why it happened and effect is what happened.

Explan That Idiom

An Idiom is a word used in a way that is different from its usual name for example break a leg that means good luck.

Wednesday, 19 May 2021


I learnt how to tell somone to pass somthing in Maori.

First I revised the Maori words from last week, it was tenei, tena, tera.

Next I learned a sentences that is Hoatu te ... ki te taha maui, which means to pass something to the lift.

I enjoyed it it was hard to say the Maori sentence.   

Thursday, 13 May 2021


We recorded videos about manners.

Manners are words like thank you, please, your welcome, and excuse me.

Manners are words you use when teahers are talking to you and when others are talking to you.


Wednesday, 12 May 2021


We did balacing in our own environment.

The first photo we took was we all had to stand on the banch and put one leg up and balance.

The second photo we took was we had one person balance on something on the palyground.

The third photo we took was two people had to make a bridge and then one person had to stand on them.

The fourth photo we took was four people in our group had to balance on each other.

I enjoyed balancing next time I need to improve on holding people.

Friday, 7 May 2021

basic fact boxes

I accomplished to beat a Demon challenge up to 100.

I got a total of 100/100. My time was 3 minutes and 21 seconds.

My mission is to beat 2 minutes and 32 seconds on the same level.

I need to do a harder level on times table next time.


I learnt how to balance.

First Mr Ogilve taught us how our body works.

He showed us when you put your head up and someone is pushing you down your body gets more uncontroled when somone pushs you.

I had to stand on a beam with a partner. people had to duck down for the other person on the other side to get pass people.      

 After we tried to balance on a soccer ball.                                                                                                  I had two partner to hold me so I don't fall.                                                                          

 I enjoyed  balancing it was fun.                                                                                                                     I balancing on a ball was the hardest.                                                                                                         

Thursday, 6 May 2021

Analog Time

Analog clocks are a piece of technology that help tell time.

A clock has three mechanisms.                                                                                                                    The second hand moves around the clock the fastest.

The minute hand is the longest and moves when the second hand comlpletes rotation. A full rotation of the minute hand is 1 hours.  

The hour hand moves the slowest and moves between the big numbers.

Simple machines

 Simple machines are tools that help people move heavey objects and can lift objects from high to low.

The 6 simple machines are :

  • wheel and axle
  • screw
  • pulley
  • lever
  • wedge
  • inclined plane

Wednesday, 5 May 2021


I learnt question that well help me in the class.

The first question was kua marama that mean do you understand. 
And the second question was kua mutu that means finished or I'am finished.

I enjoyed learning the maori words next time I need to improve on saying the words.

Wednesday, 14 April 2021

Team work

 Teamwork is a term to describe a group of people working together to achieve a goal.

Teamwork consists of three main mechanisms.

Communication is when you speak to someone.

Cooperation is working togther.

Collaboration is working togther to achieve a goal.

To be successful as a team all three mechanisms need to be implemented throughout the activity.

Marc Duffy

 Marc Duffy is a role modei. 

When he was young he met someone who taught him how to read while he was in prision. When  he got out of prision he came out with a School Certificate and Diploma in Business.

 He was a NewZeland boxing lightweight champ.

He learnt the trade of building and now he has owed his own bisness.

He is the manager of biggest Bunnings store in NZ,which is in Hamilton.

Later Marc went back to university to become a counsellor and then he graduated.

And now he go's to schools and shares he's story.


 Multiplication is a fast way of adding the number many times.The two, five, ten times tables are examples of multiplication.

The three times tables are multiplying three by a number of groups.The four times tables are multiplying four by a number of groups.The six times tables are multiplying six by a number of groups. 

The times tables are an easy way to remember basic multiplication equation. The next times tables are the seven, eight, nine times tables

Friday, 9 April 2021


Multiplication is a fast way of adding the number many times.The two, five, ten times tables are examples of multiplication.

The two times tables are multiplying two by a number of groups.The five times tables are multiplying five by a number of groups.The ten times tables are multiplying ten by a number of groups. 

The times tables are an easy way to remember basic multiplication equation. The next times tables are the three, four, and six times tables.

Friday, 26 March 2021

The Highway Rat

Visulisation is creating pictures in your head. This helps understand what we read.

Highway Rat is about a Rat who is greedy and steals everyoues food. He learns a lesson and everyone
lives happily.

My visualisation is diffrent to other because we all have diffrent ideas.
We all have diffrent visualisation because have diffrent imaginations.

Place value & saying numbers

Place value is a system that groups numbers based on their size.

The position of a digit determines its value. When we say numbers we group then within the same house. For example 15709 has fifteen thousand , seven hundred and nine one.

Understanding our base 10 place value system allows us to pronounce big numbers properly. It also allows us to identify numbers before and after.

Thursday, 18 March 2021

Mihi Whakatau

Mihi whakatau is a Maori term for a formal greeting.

Mihi Whakatau is traditionally used for welcoming, introductions and openings. It is undertaken by the Tangata Whenua (local inhabitants)

The Mihi needs to acknowledge the significent aspeds to the place. The Maunga (mountain) , Awa (river) and Iwi (tribe) are generally used.  

Introducing Ingoa (name) , Oku tipuna (ancestored place) and where you live is important for the audience to understand the position of the speaker.

Manuhiri is the term used to describe or group the visitor/s that are being welcomed. 

It is important to end with a warm welcome so the visitors know that there is no hostility in the 2 groups being together.

Being respectful of the land, the people and the purpose of a visit will ensure long lasting relationships and connections.      



Sunday, 14 March 2021

print Design Rules

I learned about the print Design Rules.

First Mr Wong taught us about the main aspects of the print Design Rules, colour, layout, text & composition.

Next, I figured out which poster were good and bad with my partners.

Last, I reorganised  a poster to make it looks better

I need to work on my coluers

Friday, 12 March 2021


I completed stage 4 of Prototec.

I got 54 out 60 of the questions right.

I need to work on my subtraction.


Thursday, 11 March 2021


I learned how to write the alphabet, number, and symbols properly.

I watched a video to show neat handwriting. I wrote the characters neatly into my writing book.

I need to improve my j by writing the tail below the line. 

Thursday, 25 February 2021

Basic fact sheet

I created my own Google sheet and started my number bonds.

Then I wrote some of basic facts answers using uni link cubes, I recorded the results in a spreadsheet.

Next I did my number bonds and doubles up to 10 and 20.

Later on I Learnt new shortcuts like Ctrl C and Ctrl V So I can work more faster.

The hard part for me was counting the number bounds.

Sunday, 31 January 2021