Thursday 3 June 2021

balancing / week 5

 today we did balancing with sport equitment. 

First we did the egg, and spoon we had to balance on one foot and lean down, and try to touch the ground and get up again. when go down you put less power, but when you go up you put for power.

Next we had soccer balls and we balanced them on our head and we also had to bonce it with our thy.

Third we used volley balls we balanced on one leg and we did a set and a dig.

We then did a tennis activity. I had to balance on 1 leg and hit the ball sofly to my partner. This activity was hard for me because I was not able to hit the ball. 

After we did a hockey stick ativity. I had to balance on one leg and hit the ball with the hockey stick.

I enjoyed doing balancing because I learned new sports.



  1. Talofa lava, Mliey
    I liked the way you've been practicing your balancing. I also struggled on getting back up. Next time, you could practice using less power.

  2. Mingalaba, Miley
    I liked how you used more power to go up and less power to go down. I also struggle when I was trying to hit the tennis ball with the tennis racket. Next time you could try and relax when balacing the soccer ball on your head.


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