Thursday, 24 June 2021

Maori / Qestions

 This week we continued writing maori senetences. 

We learned sentences like Kei hea te ....? which means where is the object, the other sentence was kei runga ..... which means the object is on something or under somthing.

Then we made a copy of the maori slide and answered the qestions after we made our own silde and we put the information on the side and we also added some pictures.

This activity was fun because I had relly fun doing the sentences and the slide.

Frisbee Balance

We learned how to balance while catching and throwing a frisbee.

First we got into pairs and we had to throw the frisbee to each other and land balanced.

Then with my partner one person had to say go and the other person has to jump, catch, and land while keeping their balance.

Last we played utlimate frisbee, we also used the balance skills we had learned. We got into two teams and we had to throw the frisbee into the goal but we couldn't step into the shooting circle.

I enjoyed this activity, next time I need to improve on throwing the frisbee to my partner.

Monday, 21 June 2021

Flip, Slide, and Turn

There are 3 different movements, the 3 movments are flip, slide, and turn.

A flip/reflection is turning over in another direction.

A turn/rotate is turning somthing in a different directions.

A slide is sliding something or someone to a diffrent spot.

Sunday, 20 June 2021

Cause and Effect

We learnt what cause and effect is.

I learnt what cause and effect means, Cause is why it happend, and effect is what happend.   

Next we write what was happening in the

Last we joined the sentences togther.

I had fun doing cause and effect. 


Party popper

  We learned how to make party poppers.

First we looked a example that Mr Wong made, it was a party popper. We had make a plan for how to make a party popper, and we also had to name our market it was called design company.

Next we wrote the parts that we needed for the party popper, the parts we needed are paper, cup, fillings, stick and rubber band.

Then, we updated the design, It was about the changes my group changed the cup into a paper cup, and we changed rubberband to a bigger and stronger rubberband, and we changed the fillings to pompoms.

Last, we needed to write the reson why we changed the design for the updated design.

I enjoyed doing this task because I had fun doing the planing.

Thursday, 17 June 2021


I learned how to say new words.

First we did some questions like He aha te huarere and E hai nga tau.

Next we wrote some sentences, for example: ke hea panana? kei panana i te .

Last if we finished the task we can do some food time.

I enjoyed this task next I need to improve on saying the maori words.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021


 Confidence :                                                                                                                                                     We have the confidence to take risks with our learning and to share our learning with others. We are focused on our futures.

Attitude :                                                                                                                                                            We show a positive attitude to our learning by making good choices and we participate in all opportunities.

Respect:                                                                                                                                                             We are tolerant and respectful of all the people in our community and take care of our enviroment.

Excellent and innovation :                                                                                                                                  We set ourselves challenging goals, share ideas, and thinks about our learning.

These values are importent because they help us grow knowledge. 

Tuesday, 15 June 2021


A summary is ideas from a text witten.


Sunday, 13 June 2021

PB4L / Followig the class Rules

 I learnt about following the rules

Follow the rules is importent because it is respectful to others.

Following the rules is listening to the speaker, not talking when somone is talking. For example : keep your hand to your self.

If you don't follow the rules is well be disrespectful to others.

Next time, I need to follow the rules, not talking.

Thursday, 10 June 2021


This week I did new prepossition.

I learned words like, Maui, Matua, Rugua, and Raro, Maui means left, Matua means right, Rugua means above, and Raro means below.

I also learnt how to say new sentences they are kei raro ki te kutikuti, it means the the sicssers are below.

I enjoyed this task because I had fun learning new words in maori. 

Balancing Challange

We made a challenge on our own.

First, we wrote down the ideas for the challenge. Our idea was to balance on one leg by doing a squat from holding the milk bottle in front of you.

Next, we try it out to avoid their tipping point.

Last,we took a photo and made a poster as a group.

This activity was hard because the milk bottle was heavy when I was trying to bend my legs down.

Friday, 4 June 2021


Today in maori I worked on three movements.

The movements are 'Rotate, Translation, and Flip".

Next I had made a document so I can do my task.

After I had to take pictures of myself and rotate, translation, and flip.

last I had to expain what it means this was hard.

Thursday, 3 June 2021

balancing / week 5

 today we did balancing with sport equitment. 

First we did the egg, and spoon we had to balance on one foot and lean down, and try to touch the ground and get up again. when go down you put less power, but when you go up you put for power.

Next we had soccer balls and we balanced them on our head and we also had to bonce it with our thy.

Third we used volley balls we balanced on one leg and we did a set and a dig.

We then did a tennis activity. I had to balance on 1 leg and hit the ball sofly to my partner. This activity was hard for me because I was not able to hit the ball. 

After we did a hockey stick ativity. I had to balance on one leg and hit the ball with the hockey stick.

I enjoyed doing balancing because I learned new sports.


Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Main ideas

 The book Why Animals Migrate is about animals that migrate. The reason why some animals migrate to places is because it helps them to find a good supply of food.