Monday, 20 September 2021

Dancing Mat Typing / week 4

Today I did a typing activity.

First I was making sure that I had book to cover my hands.

Then they taught me how to typ t and y without looking at the keyboard.

Last I roll my results on the Google slide.

I need to improve on getting my u and r right.

Wednesday, 15 September 2021


 I created a art pattern which represents my culture.

First I search some Nepali patterns. I looked at hat patterns, clock patterns, and flower patterns.

Next I put a star I kept on repeating but made it smaller as I go.

Last I put a litte circle in the middle and a star over the circle and some ovels on the sides of the big star.


Dancing mat typing / week 3

 I completed another typing, this activitiy is about learning how to type                                                        without looking at the keyborad.

First I needed to find something to cover my keyborad.

Next I typed some words for example: 

Last I wrote my results on a google slide and I had to write what I need to improve on is not looking at the keyborad.

Friday, 3 September 2021

Basci Fact Boxes

I completed a basic facts today, it was addition.

My score was 99/100 my time was 5m 55s almost 6 mins.

Next time my goal is to do multiplication, to be more faster and better.


Thursday, 2 September 2021

Dancing Mat Typing

Today I completed a can-do activity called Dancing Mat Typing. This activity is used to practise typing without looking at your keyboard. 

First I went on Dancing Mat Typing and  I also put up a 15 minute timer.

Next I placed my fingers in the right place. 

Last I put in my results into a google slide. And then I wrote what I need to improve on. 

I need improve on getting the letters right.

Steps web

 did Steps Web.

The first activity was definitions. In this activity they give you a defintion and they also have some words underneath the definition.then you choose the word that you think is right.

This next activity was spelling qiuz. In this activity you have to spell the word that you hear.